#gina holden
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oliveoomph · 1 year ago
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The L Word - s02e04 - Lynch Pin
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bloodtiesstilllives · 2 months ago
A Call To Any Fic Writer Who Has Seen The Show Blood Ties
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I made this blog after seeing the show Blood Ties for the first time in March 2023.
I and a few others have made it our mission to find whatever content was still floating around and put it all here. We still have our diligent scroungers scrounging. They get cookies and warm milk when they come back with something.
We also do our best to come up with fresh content. And that is what this post is about.
As it stands right now there are only 670 fics up on AO3. I have certainly seen less, but this is the fandom I am focusing on.
To anyone who has seen the show, read the Tanya Huff Books, have a fondness for shows based in Toronto, or just enjoy the concept of hot vampires, tough, smart women, demons, magic, action, romance (however muddled)...stuff like that, I am putting a call out to you to post something up on AO3 or even here on tumblr, even if it's a drabble.
"Well if it's like that, why don't you do it?"
I'm glad you asked random Tumblr anon person. If you go to AO3 right now and type in "Blood Ties (TV)" you are going to see a name pop up a whole lot in the last year. That's me. Problem is that I focus my writing on Henry Fitzroy specifically and do mostly crossovers with other shows in the hope some others will get interested and check this show out.
But that's the problem, I mainly focus on Henry and am barely writing canon. There is so much stuff that can still be done, so many characters that can be put in the sandbox. Plus Henry Fitzroy was turned in the 1500s...there is a lot to play with.
Sure I am screaming in a void, but no worries I take food, water, sleep and bathroom breaks.
So, with that being said, anyone who has made it this far, please consider making a bit of content for this fandom that is in a bit of a coma.
Please come check out this blog it is FULL of content and is mainly focused on the Blood Ties show.
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theshad0wsmadamme · 6 months ago
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Final Destination 3 Cast (2006)
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mirroredmemoriez · 1 year ago
Day 18 of posting Saw women. Today is Joyce Dagen, portrayed by Gina Holden.
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moviemosaics · 5 months ago
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Saw 3D
directed by Kevin Greutert, 2010
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babylon38ad2 · 11 days ago
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Gina Holden
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hannahwatcheshorror · 6 months ago
SAW 3D (2010)
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This one is a bit of fun because it brings back some of the survivors from the previous movies but otherwise is a pretty uninspired piece of film. You can tell where they really went out of their way for the 3D effects that would have been a big gimmick when this was first in theaters in 2010. A stepping stone to get to JIGSAW.
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So this SAW is all about a lie made true, a man who made a killing (ha) off of pretending to be a Jigsaw Survivor is now facing the reality of trying to actually survive a JIGSAW Game. (Taking life by the horns, the Gary way) He first tries to save his publicist but that just wasn't going to happen in the time set out for him. Also the entire time his wife is chained up and has to watch her lying husband go through his trials which is pretty brutal for her (though she doesn’t know he is a liar until the very end). 
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FLASHBACK JOHN WITH THE BACKWARDS HAT to make him look like a young man is one of the best things in this entire movie universe. I honestly cannot even believe that Tobin Bell's entire costume for John Kramer is usually just a zip up hoodie but this backwards ball cap has me FLOORED. Next our main man isn’t strong enough to help out his lawyer so she gets the Halloween Jack-o-lantern special. Then the floor is lava (or it just isn’t there) and he needs to get himself and his blindfolded friend across in less than a minute which doesn’t happen either. There seems to be a pattern with Hoffman's games, they are very hard to win.
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In fact, the guy playing the game doesn’t win a single challenge he is set up against other than pulling a couple of his teeth out to open a door. By the time he does the thing he wrote the book about (hooks in his chest meat, barf) he falls down and isn’t even able to save his wife and she dies in a modern Brazen Bull. It was really rough because she was very innocent in the whole thing, she had no idea her husband was a big dumb liar, she thought he was a victim! 
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While the game is dying down (ha) Hoffman is hunting down Jill which is so not what John would have wanted (but I guess Hoffman is off his nut now). This whole movie is just Hoffman being an Off-man. If John Kramer were here he would say something about not liking killers and pout. Good thing Hot Doc who actually did survive the first SAW movie is back to tell Hoffman to chill the fuck out and sit the hell down (after Jill is murdered via facial bear trap, which I thought was also pretty messed up, because all she did was love a man and try to follow through with his final wishes).
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All and all this didn’t feel like a true SAW film, it felt like more of a crazy slasher because they wanted to capitalize on the 3D aspect of things and that is all well and good for the theater but it doesn’t keep over the years. You kind of have to watch it to get to JIGSAW so… Worth it.
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-----------------------HANNAH WATCHES HORROR--------------------
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supernovagifs · 6 months ago
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𝐒𝐮𝐩𝐞𝐫𝐧𝐚𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐚𝐥 - 𝟏𝐱𝟐 - 🇬​​​​​🇮​​​​​🇳​​​​​🇦​​​​​ 🇭​​​​​🇴​​​​​🇱​​​​​🇩​​​​​🇪​​​​​🇳​​​​​ 🇦​​​​​🇸​​​​​ 🇭​​​​​🇦​​​​​🇱​​​​​🇪​​​​​🇾​​​​​ 🇨​​​​​🇴​​​​​🇱​​​​​🇱​​​​​🇮​​​​​🇳​​​​​🇸​​​​​ [2]
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honoredsage · 1 year ago
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oliveoomph · 1 year ago
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The L Word - s02e04 - Lynch Pin
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bonniehooper · 1 year ago
-Why is the recap so fucking long?
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-Yes, shut the lamp off that will totally make it believe no one else is there.
-I always forget that Gina Holden and Alden Ehrenreich are in this episode.
-Sam, I get you want to kill this thing, but you need to chill.
-Why the hostility between Dean and Roy?
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-Roy, you need to calm down. Why are you being an ass?
-Okay, now Roy is just pissing me off.
-I really don't think Sam should have gone on this hunt so soon after losing Jess. He's so completely driven by his desire for revenge that he's not thinking clearly.
-Dean: "Saving people, hunting things. The family business." ICONIC!!
-I mean, Sam is right. John didn't need to be so secretive and mysterious about where he was or what he was doing.
-Roy: "Inside the magic circle?" I get you're skeptical, but shut the fuck up, Roy!
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-I'm sorry, but Roy deserved that for being so damn cocky and not listening to Sam and Dean.
-Dean taunting the Wendigo is so freaking funny!!
-The CGI's still a little iffy, but overall a much better kill scene than the first episode.
-Sam: "In the meantime, I'm driving." The fact that Dean doesn't argue and willingly gives Sam the keys is still so crazy to me.
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butterfly-resources · 2 years ago
Gina Holden Gif Pack
PAGE UPDATED: please click the source link to find 80 gifs of Gina Holden in the mini series Harper’s Island.
birth year: 1975 triggers: crying
If you would like to support me consider buying me a ko-fi
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please do not repost or use in crackship gifs or hunts. and please like or reblog this post if using.
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badmovieihave · 1 year ago
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Bad movie I have Final Destination 3 (2006)
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toomuchlovereviews · 1 year ago
Final Destination 3 (2006)
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Hi again, I’m watching more from the same franchise! But this time, I’m heavily distracted by the distinctly Canadian setting of the Pacific National Exhibition. The Corkscrew is my favourite ride at the PNE and would never betray me like this (maybe the Coaster, I could kind of see that rickety ride falling apart).
This franchise heavily relies on foreshadowing and tense situations of dramatic irony. This instalment of franchise seems to be a bit more realized than the first two, but not quite so shocking, gory, and repetitive as the fourth one. With this one having the added grief and survivor’s guilt from the main character, I was far more taken with story and this set of students.
Watch this film if:
You have a crush on Mary Elizabeth Winstead (luv u mary 🫶🏻)
Rollercoasters don’t scare you, but tanning beds do
Similar titles:
Escape Room (2019) (everything is planned, death is inevitable)
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movienized-com · 1 year ago
Catfish Murder
Catfish Murder (2023) #SoranMardookhi #GinaHolden #ZoëChristie #StephanieIzsak #QuintenJames #JasonCermak Mehr auf:
Jahr: 2023 Genre: Krimi / Drama / Thriller Regie: Soran Mardookhi Hauptrollen: Gina Holden, Zoë Christie, Stephanie Izsak, Quinten James, Jason Cermak, Ashley Wood, Blake Williams, Kennedy Rowe, Kayden Boisclair, Timothy Wallace, Panta Mosleh, Paul Vos … Filmbeschreibung: Während sie versucht, eine erfolgreiche Karriere und ein Familienleben in Einklang zu bringen, gerät die Welt einer…
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